Dark ruler no more vs dragoon Reply reply Just a simple question, If Dragoon’s effect is stopped with for example a ‘dark ruler no more’ does it attack get reduced back to its original of it Firstly, Dark Ruler No More straight up only negates monsters currently on the field so if they do leave the field then activates effect from grave it woulnt be negated. 0. If you are missing a certain card to break your opponent's board, try to dig for it The effect that is granted by “Windwitch - Snow Bell” to “Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon” is indeed an effect granted by “Windwitch - Snow Bell” and not an effect that can be negated by “Dark Ruler No More. Also lets never forget, mystic mine With Dark Ruler No More: Borreload Savage Dragon loses the equipped Link Monster entirely, and the ATK that comes with it. You can use Dark Ruler No More or Forbidden Droplets to negate it's effects. The status of pankratops as a card means nothing to it, that copy of pankratops will have its effects negated. As far as changes, I'd strongly suggest you swap MST for cosmic cyclone. After Dragoon is You can negate dragoon’s protection using dark ruler no more. As u/El-Boosty mentioned, Draco Future does not Target your opponent's Dragoon. 3. Members Online. It can negate Dragoon. It doesn't prevent their activation. Errata. Rules. You are correct, you can activate Number F0: Utopic Draco Future to negate the activation of Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon and take control of it. But according to dark ruler monster effects cannot activate in response. Forbidden Droplet is better if the deck can easily OTK since DRNM has your opponent not take any damage that turn. This and Droplet also has its advantages when your "Dark Ruler No More" is also effective, since it doesn't target and its activation can't be negated by this card. Send a monster, your opponent can't respond with monster effects. Upcoming. To add on to that, Monsters like Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon will stay at 0 ATK even after the effect of Dark Ruler No More stops applying. Negating Dark Ruler No More with a monster effect comments. Unofficial fan subreddit for the mobile/Steam game Limbus Company. Negate the effects of monsters destroyed by battle with Fiend monsters you control. Lib link2, dingirisu and time thief redoer with a trap as material are out but not exactly generic. More posts you may like. If you are missing a certain card to break Dark ruler negates all monster affects and doesn’t give them the option to chain monster effects to negate. Dragoon. Dark Ruler No More + French database ID. Well, maybe that's enough to be worth mentioning, although the decks you mentioned don't play Dragoon too often. Quick effect in the OCG, is a type of monster effect that is Spell Speed 2 (and is the only Spell Speed 2 monster effect). The Trap Veiler Infinite Impermanence is super unique because it's one of the few viable and generic trap cards you can play from If Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon attack Red eyes dark dragoon, More posts you may like Related Yu-Gi-Oh! Fantasy anime Action anime Anime forward back. Apollousa bow of the Goddess VS Red Eyes Dark Dragoon? upvote Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords vs Dark Ruler No More . Then again, Dragoon is an effect dragon (so is Kaiju) so super polymerization can work. Very good for board breaking :) So from my experience against a semi pure Red Eyes Deck the win basically goes to the one who goes first. 14,742 + French lore. It too will have 3000 ATK. My friend and i play a lot against each other and I recently fell in love with unchained and hes always had a red eyes and dark magician deck now that he has 2 dragoons from megatins do we have anyway of outing dragoon? Besides kaiju superpoly and Dark ruler no more? I feel like they’re all luck This card is meant to remove built-in targeting and destruction immunity of most boss monsters, as well as any built-in negates that they might have, so that they cannot stop any subsequent attempt to remove them from the field. " Draco Berserker of the Tenyi " is another easy card that can Solemn cards can negate dragoon summon i think. Help new and returning players join Yugioh! This is a welcoming community where players make posts to Dark ruler no more vs continuous effects? Hi all If for example on SP my opponent used a quick effect from a monster like Abyss Dweller or Calamities which are both continuous negating effects If I use dark ruler on my MP Will it negate their effects? As I was told in a match online that Dark ruler doesn’t negate continuous effects that have Unchained Evil eye Vs. Unchained Evil eye Vs. Comparing dragoon with 2 of the best bosses in the game. If you are missing a certain card to break your opponent's board, try to dig for it with Pot of Prosperity. Dark ruler doesn't do much vs a lot of decks this format, since drytron still have orange light, and tri, prank kid, salad and striker all powerful if the dragoon effect is negated (skil drain, dark ruler no more) his attack that he has won (4000, 5000, etc) is preserved or does it become 3000 again? The Judges' Lounge | if the dragoon effect is negated (skil drain, dark ruler no more) his attack that he has won (4000, 5000, etc) is preserved or does it become 3000 aga Meaning, this card is basically an improved version of Dark Ruler No More. Are there any orher monsters like that? Archived post. ATK are continuous, so you can use Dark Ruler No More to negate that effect and that reduces their ATK to 0. r/Yugioh101 • Being the "tryhard" at locals Dragoon has two protections to remember: targeting protection and destruction protection. I do play it a lot though and usually end up high platinum/low diamond. DRNM vs Plasma + Dark Law for HERO gets shit down where as with evenly they have the option of keeping an extremely annoying floodgate still on Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon states that you can only use its effect once per turn. Reply reply Justa_Mongrel • Kaijus, Dark Ruler No More, and if you play a Zombie World deck Doomking Balerdroch. Just for reference I also main deck 2x Cosmic Cyclone (side a third). With Forbidden Droplet: They’ll both have 2000 ATK if they started at 4000. Red Eyes Dragoon effect when special summoned using Monster Reborn The simplest example is Red-Eyes Fusion. Reply reply If you use soemthing like Dark Ruler No More then everything is shut down. Can I activate widow anchor to take an opponents monster assuming I have 3 spells in GY? Archived post. Hi guys, so I play Dinos and have been thinking of maining one of these two cards (x2). In that sense, Droplet goes from being splashable to almost archetype specific. Starter Decks. I'll give example to help 1x Dark Ruler No More This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics Yu-Gi-Oh! the master of beasts is underrated. Dark Ruler no more is another good way to shut it down. x3 Dark Ruler No More x1 Monster Reborn Traps (3) x1 Magician Navigation x2 Eternal Soul EXTRA: x2 Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon Dark Magician the Dragon Knight The primary point of the Deck is to summon Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. ly/29IJe2VEnable all Notifications and keep 2450 ATK / 1600 DEF | Fiend / Effect | DARK | LV6. Another option is to negate dragoon's effects with Dragoon is a hell of a lot more than "one negate". More handtraps will definitely be useful here too. As the Executive Manager, lead your group of twelve Sinners, venture into the buried facilities of Lobotomy Corporation, and lay claim on the Golden Boughs. You still need to pay 600 to activate Dark Ruler No More, but then the effect is negated going forward. Dimensional Barrier vs Dragoon upvote Dark Ruler No More allows you to negate all face up monster on your opponents field or cards like Lightning clear there cards. What happens then? Comparing dragoon with 2 of the best bosses in the game Dark Ruler No More; Most of the cards in the Main Deck are Monster Cards to commit to the Deck's full combo strategies, all to bring out its Extra Deck monsters. 2. I'm not an expert, but this is how I understand that the solemn brigade works vs dragoon. Tools. Dark Magician the Dragon Knight x1 For backrow protection, I sometimes find in certain situations it's more worthwhile to fuse for this guy rather than Dragoon. There are also many expensive cards (above 5$ each) that can help you like Dark Ruler No More, Infinite Impermanence, Forbidden Droplet, Triple Tactics Talent, etc. Reply reply However, a deck like Pendulum really can't even use Droplet because the cost is way too great for them to bear. . Language Name Card text; French: Plus du Tout Gouverneur des Ténèbres: Annulez les effets de tous les monstres face recto actuellement contrôlés par votre adversaire jusqu'à la fin de ce tour, et aussi, le reste de ce tour après la résolution de cette carte, votre adversaire ne Latest Decks with Dark Ruler No More. In addition to other stuff mentioned here, flipping stuff facedown also shuts down effects which require monsters with specific names/attributes etc to be on board, which made it pretty solid vs tear too because it shut off sulliek (probably won’t have to worry about that anymore, but that was one of the reasons for playing it), and cryme too so basically if they had cryme they had to use It was more a dragoon and 2 traps, expect he opened a blanket out to drsgoon so I thought if he is gonna put the effort into playing DRNM it probably means he reslly doesn't want to play vs Dragoon, so I ended up using my other resources to make a second drsgoon. r/masterduel. In the Extra Deck you have Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior and Accesscode Talker as outs too, but they require more resources and commitment. Dark Ruler no more? - Destiny heros vs Thunder dragon Dinosaurs (Yugioh TCG) /w Xylophoney★ SUBSCRIBE http://bit. Red-eyes dark dragoon Can I use dark ruler more on reds eyes dark dragoon Forbidden droplets, dark ruler no more, dark imprisoning mirror and bagooska the terribly tired tapir negate its effects no problem. What are some cards you can use to help protect Red Eyes Dark Dragoon against the opponents spell or trap cards? Archived post. For that reason, this will not work with Borreload Savage or Dragoon. There are lots of useful resources linked around Yugioh101, check them out! This is very similar to HakunaMyData's list (albeit a lot more budget). Its summon is also not something that can be negated with apollousa I believe, so you can activate its effect to bounce, and if No, you don’t pay. View on CoolStuffInc View on CardMarket View on TCGplayer. Banlist. I just wanted to know how far the effect negation of meteoragon goes, at least as far as atk gain. At least Dark Ruler No More had a simple restriction of not doing any damage that turn which affected all decks using it equally. So either way we slice it we're going back to pre-2010 boss monster style yugioh. Annulez les effets de tous les monstres fa Annulez les effets de tous les monstres face recto actuellement contrôlés par votre adversaire jusqu'à la fin de ce tour, et aussi, le reste de ce tour après la résolution de cette carte, votre adversaire ne reçoit aucun dommage. He has incredible board presence, is a great OTK enabler and Board clearer. Play Online. Dark Ruler No More is less versatile since it is useless against backrow decks but is much better than a Kaiju when facing combo. Dark ruler no more can negate his effects so you can actually attempt to remove him. r/Yugioh101 • Red-Eyes Dragoon Vs. A “Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon” your opponent controls can be used as material for a Fusion Summon you perform via the effect of “Super Polymerization”, including for the Fusion Summon of your own “Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon” provided its name is treated as “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” as it is when summoned via the effect of “Red-Eyes Fusion. I wanted it to be viable yet without dramatically changing the core of Dark Magician, keeping its theme. Going second, boards are broken with a combination of Dragoon + No More is a purely 2nd turn card whereas Droplet can be useful even if you go first as a costier Impermanence/Veiler. This are just bether options as some examples. Ash Blossom vs normal summon of mantis, myrmeleo and absolutely pudica. Leaderboards. Dark magician is hard to play in master duel because they banned dragoon. I’m leaning towards droplet but what are your thoughts on which is worth crafting/is better? If your deck really can't afford to use resources like that and doesn't mind not being able to OTK then Dark Ruler is a good option. r/Yugioh101. r/Yugioh101 • Dragoon vs. Beating over it is also an option but you need to get to your beater to achieve this which will require you to play through any negates the opponent may have. Red-eyes dark dragoon . I’ve already incorporated 1 dark ruler no more, 3 kaijus, 2 super poly and 1 forbidden droplet in my dark magician/spellcasters deck. Dark Ruler No More vs Evenly Matched . Banishing itself is a cost to activate its effect. Engines Notes Top Player Price Date 被拘爆の流天苦@bili: 1260 540. There are multiple ways to stop this card, Kaiju's or super poly are two good options. Use cards like kaijus,lava golem to out dragoon,negate anaconda using effect veiler/Impermanence, Use Cards Like dark ruler no more/forbidden droplet, etc. I just want to confirm. You activate it straight from hand, fusing Dark Magician and Red-Eyes B. Negating Dark Ruler No More with a monster effect . , but I assume here that you’re on a budget. So the banish of Mirrorjade works because its neither targeting nor destruction, but the float effect doesn't because despite being non-targeting, its a destruction effect. Mystic Mine doesn’t negate any effects; that’s why you still continue to pay in that case. r/Yugioh101 • Ruling Question - Quick Effects/Negation. Card Search. Archive. Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon negate effect is definitely powerful, Yes it will be, the pkrum is chained to the activation, it summons dark requiem and than dark rulers effect to negate applies meaning all monsters on the field are negated. As it’s a Dark, Fusion monster it is a target for some of the most common Super Poly targets. Destiny End Dragoon vs Unaffected Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage. ” Dark Ruler No More negates the effects of monsters currently face-up on the field. I manage to Lightsworns, Elslichs and Shadolls can all be combined in some respectable fashion. A monster would have to be unaffected by Spell Cards in order to avoid this card. My opponent uses DRNM. You're going to have to play stuff like Kaijus, Forbidden Droplet and most importantly Dark Ruler No Oh right, I guess Dragoon is a legit reason for Eclipse > Moon. Dark Ruler No More x3 Going second monster negation, especially useful against If you use dark ruler no more, will it negate a monster’s effect to prevent it from being destroyed? I know it might sound stupid, but I know that you can negate a cards effect to gain attack every if it isn’t an activated effect. Droplet seems kinda useless going up against something like that. Despian Proscenium. More posts you may like Related Yu-Gi-Oh! Fantasy anime Action anime Anime forward back. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel! Dark ruler no more vs red eyes dark dragoon Dark Ruler No More laughs at Blue-Eyes Chaos Max. Compare this to a card like Red Eyes Dark Dragoon who is far easier to summon, destroys two cards every turn without targeting, can't be targeted or destroyed himself Yacine does an excellent job of showing you plenty of ways to handle Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, and still have a deck that can contend with the big strategies in modern Yu-Gi-Oh. Reply reply Tributing with Kaijus/Sphere Mode, negating its effects and protection with cards like Dark Ruler No More/Forbidden Droplets, using it as material for Super Polymerization, or baiting out its negate with another card and then getting rid of it with Use cards like kaijus,lava golem to out dragoon,negate anaconda using effect veiler/Impermanence, Use Cards Like dark ruler no more/forbidden droplet, etc. Reply reply gecko-chan If you control no monsters in your Main Monster Zone: Target 1 face-up Effect Monster on the field; negate that face-up monster's effects until the end of this turn, then, if you have 3 or more Spells in your GY, you can take control of that monster until the End Phase. Going second, boards are broken with a combination of Dragoon + Dark Ruler No More/Evenly Matched. Next, Dragoon's omni-negate is good, but on its own, not so much as alot of decks can play through one negate easy, Dragoon will need support with that omni-negate, such as with secret village as Dragoon is a spellcaster. Events. My opponents board is negated w DRNM. It can out dragoon and put a big body on field. Deckbuilder. In archetype only, since others have mentioned all the usual generic Anti-Dragoon techs. I was looking for the best ways to counter Dark Ruler No More. Same question for solemn judgment. Face the Fear, Save the EGO. Since Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon a Dark Fusion Monster, we may see Super-Polymerization become popular again. So for me, when Dragoon hits, the idea is to main deck Kaijus and side DRNM. Besides Sky Striker Ace - Roze, you have to draw cards like Forbidden Droplet, Triple Tactics Talent, or Dark Ruler No More to out the Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. Edison Rulings: New Players. Reply reply ArcticFoxTTV • Also forgot to mention do cards that negate effects work on Dragoon like “Dark Ruler no more” Reply reply This Dinomprhia gameplan is backed by Dragoon's omni-negate and floodgates like Gozen Match/Dimension Shifter, effectively shutting down your opponent's plays. Cosmic Blazar Dragon can still activate its effect, it's just negated. Yes, it can be activated. The existence of Forbidden droplet, dark ruler no more and no maxx c won't let the card become a problem in the tcg like in the ocg. There is also the option to veiler anaconda, ash anaconda sending teh materials to the grave, kaiju it, dark ruler no more Use your Dragoon's omni-negate wisely! Going second, boards are broken with a combination of Dragoon + Dark Ruler No More/Evenly Matched. As another commenter mentioned, BE is surprisingly good at dealing with Dragoon on the first turn. The deck I use isn’t the best because it uses 60 cards it’s mainly just for fun, but when it hits it *1x Dark Ruler No More *1x Dragon Shrine *1x Foolish Burial *1x Quick Launch *1x Evenly Matched *1x Quick Launch - 1x Guardragon Elpy |- 1x Guardragon Pisty |- 1x Linkross |- 1x Predaplant Verte Anaconda |- 1x Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon |- 1x Unchained Abomination SIDE DECK (15): |- 1x Nibiru, the Primal Being |- 3x Lightning Storm |- 2x Dark If Destiny Hero - Destroy Phoenix Enforcer is hit with Dark Ruler No More or Forbidden Droplet would it still gain its resummoning effect after being destroyed in battle or by a card effect even with it’s effects negated during your turn. So since the card is still face up on the field after dark ruler, the monster zone is still blocked. And yes, your opponent can use Aluber’s effect. Secondly, impermanence wouldnt negate the monsters effect if it left the field before impermanence resolves. DARK ruler No more IS good. The ocg played dragoon turbo, played it in control decks and in combo decks because at the time. just can't deal with Dragoon's protection and I can't think of any spells and traps aside from Forbidden Droplet and Dark Ruler No More that sees consist play Dark Ruler No More instantly breaks this board ignoring the two Set cards (and before you say that a monster can negate Dark Ruler No More, you should read the effect of Dark Ruler No More)Then maybe I should run Dark Ruler no More instead of Forbidden Droplet. OP summons dragoon on my turn - Can I then just activate my set DRNM and it turns Dragoon off for the duration of my turn? Another random question, I have Zeus, OP has Blue eyes Alt dragon, blue eyes effect activates to destroy Zeus, can I then activate Zeus effect to get rid of the alt dragoon and I still have Zeus on the field, or does it also get destroyed? So I would have had If "Dark Magician" is Normal or Special Summoned to your field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish it. It is the only type of monster effect that can be activated in Summon negation window, and the only one that can be chained to another activation (excluding Simultaneous Effects Go On Chain). This card is great going first, great going second (especially once Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon comes out as even stun decks will Dark ruler no more vs widow anchor . Magnarokket dragon, Sky Striker Ace - Hayate, and Doomking Balerdroch can all adapt to handle Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. Does dark ruler no more, negate the can't be destroyed by battle or card effect clause on monsters such as Red Eyes Dragoon or Evil Hero Malicious bane? Archived post. ect. Dark Ruler Ha Des is Unlimited in Edison Format. e Dragoon) Reply reply Bashamo257 In general you can Side very well against it if you're getting bullied like that, Dark Ruler no more!,Super-Polymerisation(into Starving Venom) or every single Kaiju provide easy and reliable ways to get rid of Dragoon. Other than that, doomking balerdroch can easily get him off the board IF you can get doomking balerdroch up on the board to begin with. Can War rock Meteoragon negate Dragoon's atk gain? I wouldn't initially think so, as dragoon has already "gained" the atk, but in Master Duel, meteoragon has negated cards like Accesscode talker, who also "gained atk", and dropped it back to 2300. Dragoon actives it's destroy and burn effect, I chain dark sacrifice. Take this from somebody who has had to do a lot of research into how to out Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Neither player can activate monster effects in response to this card's activation. Though more insight into your deck would help. Mar 1, 2025: SCS 星尘: 1170 540. Rulings. If that copy of Dragoon had its activation negated by PSY-Framegear Gamma then you would not be able to use it again in that same turn. If activate Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords and send him to the graveyard Does his effect still resolve succesfully? More posts you may like. Dark Ruler No More is the best counter against this For example, Dark ruler no more, forbidden droplet, triple tactics talent, lava golem, any kaiju all can deal with Dragoon, and can be used in a fair few decks. Anyways, if you're thinking about using Eclipse over Moon or something similar, I'd consider it in light of that - how many situations come up where Eclipse is superior Or chain directly to dragoon hitting the field? If its the former, does dragoon stay in the extra deck or go to the graveyard. You might have to bait out a negate or two, but you can definitely deal with it. 2 BlazeWu · 9/22/2020 Dark ruler no more can't be played by OTK deck. Fusing away multiple opposing Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon into a Starving Venom Fusion Dragon or Predaplant Dragostapelia is a great answer. Baiting the negate: Dragoon has to negate BE very early. Help new and returning players join Yugioh! This is a welcoming community where players make posts to ask for any help they would like. if it's the later does dragoon stay on field due to its protection, or is it destroyed. Rulebook. Archived post. ; This card is also best used in Stall decks that work towards alternate Dark Ruler no More also doesn't contain the word "target" anywhere in it's text. If that is the case, dark ruler will apply its negation then and be done with it. I have heard of a creative ways like chaining a spell/trap and then negating it’s effect with a monster that negates a face up card such as Crusadia Equimax. Dark ruler no more vs red eyes dark dragoon Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this The most effective ways to remove dragoon are kaijus and superpoly, because they cannot be negated. If you're using Eldlich, a deck that doesn't care if your spells and traps get sent to the graveyard, or if you're running some variant of Sky Striker, you can send spells to the graveyard to boost your card's power. Best Decks. Alternative crash-this is by far the best method, there is nothing Dragoon by itself can do to stop this. " Is this a lasting effect. I could have easily instead gone for 3 interruptions plus my cards in hand If i activate dark ruler no more and my opponent tributes ultimate crystal rainbow dragon overdrive as a cost to activate it's effect. An example of an effect that you couldn't use against Dragoon would be Forbidden Lance since it specifies that you must target a monster. Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon also loses any ATK previously gained from its own effect. It will have 3000 ATK. (Quick Effect): You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; negate its Even against non-Dragoon boards Kaijus are a sure way to remove something like Mechaba or Apollousa. Dark ruler no more vs forbidden droplet . Mar 1, 2025 Dark ruler no more checks if pankratops is face-up on the opponent's field when it resolves its effect as a normal spell. Reply reply Riftwalker101 One friend used Dark Ruler No More against my Dragoon and then Snatch Steal to take control of it permanently. Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon x2 Self-explanatory, running 2 given multiple ways/opportunities to get it out. Savage Dragon and Dragoon, Masquerena (to Goddess) and Ultimateness with multiples Fairies in hand IMHO Dark Ruler No More is better if the can't afford to discard or doesn't gain advantage from sending cards to the GY. Dragon from your deck, summoning Dark Dragoon! You may sacrifice the ability to summon afterwards, but that's no problem as nothing beats the Yugioh equivalent of biased card design in a single monster. video games, anime and manga. Dark Ruler Ha Des states, "Cannot be Special Summoned from the GY. The following turn would Dragoon's effects be back and still be under my opponent's control? If so, that would be a very nice move. 3 Dark Ruler No More, 3 Evenly Matched, 3 Super Polymerization, 3 Infinite Impermance and 3 Dimension Shifter. It would work with Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss' effect, since it has no requirement about being activated "When" the card was activated. If you chain after all the monsters are negated, dark ruler will not apply on dark requiem. Reply reply MisterSynister They do not do well against big monsters they can't target or get over (i. If someone stops your Halqifibrax combo in eldlitch, just link This Dinomprhia gameplan is backed by Dragoon's omni-negate and floodgates like Gozen Match/Dimension Shifter, effectively shutting down your opponent's plays. But then again, Eldlich can main deck Red Eyes Dark Dragoon with relative ease as well. This is the full text of dark ruler no more: Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage. They'll most likely get out Dragoon in their first turn. ” Dark Ruler No More can just solve the board all by itself, letting you play with the rest of your hand. If your deck is designed to OTK and break board AND you can start your combo with 1-2 cards AND/OR you can capitalize from cards sent to GY by this card, go for it. ohlucpi wpw bsmk apdnsit eohb vufon hei sxcfw xoexpk bmirvi otuesmi pvxudubs qsmhhz bihc mgfiyd