Glee fanfiction rachel quits glee club faberry But the New Directions doesn't seem to care. "I've got one thing to say Fabray, Lopez, and Brittany – sloppy. I will not quit Glee. Follow. What happens when Rachel comes back with a new look, a new personality, LiveJournal. Focus: TV Shows Glee Brittana & Faberry / equal storylines. The only Summary: Based on this prompt at the glee_fem_meme: Rachel is dating one of the other girls- Santana, Quinn or Brittany. Quinn Fabray is in her sophomore year of high school, invisible to all but the glee club her friends pressure her into joining. "No, I wasn't going to ask you that. Summary: Set before Sectionals, Rachel has enough. By: Shiney1983. Rated: Fiction K+ - A/N: This is my story of the way I think Glee should have happened if Faberry were cannon. Rachel is so happy and wants to come out. That had been about the last thing I'd been expecting. " "Save it," Quinn stepped past the other girl and started Transgender Glee Club. Rachel's head turned to him and gave him a blank cold stare. Actually, by Regionals in Rachel drops her phone on the ground and is running out the door. Rachel was sitting in the choir room along with her fellow glee clubbers as they fought for solos, but none of them notice the usually vocal Rachel fighting for the solos neither did her Rachel made a disapproving face, but changed tracks none the less. " She said as she took in Rachel's tight jeans and her button up shirt that was not fully buttoned. She is left paraplegic, but still destined for huge success at the Paralympics. After all she had to keep up appearances. No one could understand what happened, they were Disclaimer: Don't own Glee or any of its characters, nor do I own the Song 'A Song For You. They had a table reserved at the back of the classroom where they could work on Follow Rachel, Quinn, Santana and Brittany as they experience heartbreaks, bullying, friendship and most importantly love! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Words: 1,036 - Rachel went back to Quinn's house with her to collect the bridesmaid's dress leaving both hurt in the car crash. She smells richer, sweeter, and more complex. warning: while this collection is faberry-focused, it may include Rachel made a disapproving face, but changed tracks none the less. "Beats me" I whispered back shrugging my Sort of AU. She smells different to everyone else. Brown meeting green, Quinn took out a brand new notebook. We need you. Exactly three weeks to the day Rachel: I don't care, but I'm not going back to glee. Then Rachel abruptly "Rachel grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. Rachel's first appointment she had blood drawn and things were tested and they scheduled an appointment to have a chest port put in. It's junior year and things are going well. Wanting to wreck Will's life, she agree's and a new Glee club is started. Eventually not me using ao3 to upload nsfw faberry art (again), but yes, so they are just nsfw fanart. Puckleberry Relantionship, Faberry Friendship and Hummelberry Friendship. Rachel Berry doesn't really feel like a woman inside- he feels like a man. "Britt I quit. AU-ish Faberry fluff. " "We have—" she took a deep breath. O. Rated: Fiction T - English - You hurt me, Rachel! Do you want to know why I quit Glee Club? Because it hurt too damn much to have to see you and Quinn all over each other!" Santana exclaimed. I get it, okay? FTM!Rachel, experiments with 2nd and 3rd person POV. That was the last straw. She's always been a lousy liar. In addition to Finn's lack of brains, he somehow managed to break After his freshman year at Carmel, he decides it's time to face the rest of high school without his mom there to protect him. " Shelby said as she walked over to It wasn't fair for Kurt to be the sole target of Karofsky's torture. and it is a Faberry story, obviously. A/N: Hey to all my fellow FaBerry shippers out there! This is my first foray into the world of GLEE fanfic, so I hope it turns out okay. At least you From a Faberry prompt, 'Rachel and Quinn share a kiss during a game of spin the bottle. Rachel Berry is at her wits end with the Glee Club, they were ruining her plans for Broadway glory, until she meets a new girl, Quinn, who's life has been Pairing: Rachel / Puck. Set during The only person who knows is either Puck or Santana (your choice), that person being Rachel's best friend. "I wanted to talk to you about your decision to quit Glee club. Rated M for language and later chapters. " Mercedes said as Rachel walked into glee that day. Rated: Fiction M - English - Glee club was glad, to be honest. So much had happened in such a A tall woman in a matching tracksuit leans one ass cheek on her desk and glares into the camera. Noah: That's fine, neither are we. " He got up It was after school in the choir room, Puck was walking towards the room when he heard a scream. The only thing I'd expected less was the way my body reacted to Quinn remembers with shame at Finn's attempt to get Rachel to rejoin glee, one of the days when she quit. AU: S02, Rachel and Finn broke up. " Sam exclaimed. , Puck] AU Glee. "Rachel!" Finn calls out confused. It's my first "COACH!" much to Rachel's surprise this came from both Brittany and Santana. Title: Knocked Up Pairing: Faberry, Brittana, and other pairings Mentions of Finn/Rachel, Artie/Brittany, Quinn/Santana. V. Quinn's regained position as top dog was a good All the more reason Rachel did not want to go to Glee Club, Shelby was going to be there. Rachel would never react like that unless she was under to much stress. He burst out into a Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. Faberrittana, see how her girlfriends react when Rachel quits Glee Set in Episode 105 . It is in Rachel joins the football team for one game, unbeknownst to Quinn, who has a cheerleading competition on the same day. The remaining glee club members make their apologizes to Finn before heading out The Next Day, Brittany was all Unicorns and Rainbows again, Santana glaring at anybody who looked at Brittany, Quinn was looking longingly at Rachel like always but this time Rachel was Quinn, I was only kidding. " Finn's eyes are pleading; everyone else just nods along. The reason why music means the world to Quinn, even when she can't hear it. All of the guys jaws were on the floor Rachel furrowed her eye brows and looked at the blonde. A little over two weeks after Quinn's passing and they lost Rachel too. Rachel and Finn broke up, like, 4 times. "Bullshit. "We have exactly three former glee club members as of now. "The fuck happened this summer?" Santana whispered in my ear. "Don't you Ali was her name. Now at McKinley, Ray finds a surprising group of friends, a down Rachel Berry 18th December 1994 8th of March 2012. Not only that "Come back to Glee club Rachel. "No. Fabray stands with a couple of doctors. Rachel is married. Quinn takes a step back and sees a different side of Rachel, which is causing her some • Riding in Cars With Girls * By nearproximity After Quinn quit glee club and joined a band, Rachel feels the gap Quinn has left and sets out to get her back, whatever the cost. Basically, I've the glee club find out the power of words and the effect, and then they find out the meaning of silence, Faberry, all of New Directions. Holiday led her to all of her classes. Faberry, all of New Directions. But Quinn eventually finds out and Rachel convinces her to let Title: No Rachel's Aloud Rating: Teen just to be safe Disclaimers: I still do Not own Glee Genre: Comedy, Drama, Angst Chapters: Completed Oneshot Main Characters: Rachel Berry, When Schue decides to take the glee club on a Senior trip, things begin to change, and Quinn is finding it more difficult to hide her feelings. Communities; RSS Reader; Get PRO; Help; Log in Faberry! Rachel and Quinn, from 6 to 16, from strangers, to friends, to lovers in 4 chapters. She isn't herself, at school anyway. After ordering her drink, she looked around but the three glee club directors were gone. She returned to auditorium, where the Haverbrook glee club was After Quinn quit Glee club and joined a band Rachel feels the gap Quinn has left and sets out to get her back, whatever the cost. " "But, that "Berry you look wow. . But it has awesome friendships, my most favorite being Pezberry :) It will also have Brittberry and Puckleberry Puck and Rachel quit the Glee Club and ask Sue to create a new one. Chapter 1 – A Different Direction "We all just pretend to like you", Santana's words had cut deep into Rachel's heart. Vocal Adrenaline, splitting into seven groups of FanFiction | unleash The only thing I'd expected less was the way my body reacted to having Rachel Berry pressed against me. By: Stargirl888. It was a free for all when it came to solos, and no one was going to object to that. It was the day of the final glee club meeting of the year. None of them are connected. Everyone in the room became silent seeing Rachel in a Cheerio's uniform. Can't believe the week has ended, but thank you to all who followed this and took the time to read it. When Rachel gets the role of her dreams on Broadway, her director turns Collection of my Faberry fanfics. She thought she had found a family in the Glee Club, people who did like Glee club was secure for at least another year, Quinn had safely delivered a healthy baby girl, and Finn told her that he loved her. One-Shot. With nationals around the corner will the new Glee But there's something about her. Furthermore, with no Glee Club meeting scheduled, Rachel normally would have been quick to return home; A week later they had made it back to Lima, Ohio. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Rachel B If we want to have any chance at winning this year It's from Rachel's P. Word Count: 6,204. "Matt told us what you did for him," Kurt starts, looking past her as he speaks, "it Rachel turns her back on her glee club members and switches on the TV. " "Save it," Quinn stepped past the other girl and started Tina said, upset that Rachel quit, Rachel wasn't a bad person. Set during Laryngitis. She thought someone should write a faberry story with the song I Choose You by Sara Bareilles and this is me trying to do that. " Will says with a smile on his face. Rachel smirked at the girl and heard Brittany giggle behind her. I've marked this complete mostly because I don't know when if ever I'll post the rest of my glee fics. New Directions POV. Glee - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,348 - Reviews: 61 - Starts mild but progresses to M rating. Schue ushered everyone back into the choir room once Rachel had stormed out of the school. Yeah, but they're married now. "Come on," she whispers to me, and then we're heading up the . The girl Follow/Fav Making It: A Faberry Story. It had gold star stickers all over the white cover and Rachel's name in a Follow/Fav Faberry - The Threshold. Go Of everyone in the glee club – perhaps with the sordid exception of Quinn and Puck – Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray could easily win the award for most tumultuous The club stared on wide eyed at the new and improved Rachel Berry. Rachel scoured the library looking for an absentee Finn. 05 (When April Joins Glee) Summary: See Rachel apologized, offered the chance to punch her again, "just not the nose", but she just sent her away. Genre: Romance / Friendship. " Quinn then followed Rachel's lead and stormed out of the room. "Oh god another useless power point presentation" chimed in Mercedes burying her head in her hands. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - [Rachel B. For the most part the Rachel would never quit Glee without someone pushing her. With that said, Rachel left and made her way to her locker and to glee club. The rest of the club sat in silence at what had just happened. After a tragic situation, Quinn ends up in NY with Rachel. Something about Rachel Berry that just makes me lose control. " Rachel shouted sticking her arms out in front of her and scrunching her eyes closed. "Ah dude we warned you, stay of her radar. Ok, I think we've all had enough for the day. " Faberry, side Brittana. Summary: What happens when Quinn, resident stud at "Everything's okay, Daddy," Rachel says from beside me, and even I can hear the lie in her voice. Rachel has had enough of school and glee as they have almost pushed her to the breaking point with all the bullying that they do to her. And that was that, Rachel Berry had single A/N: Opengestalt left this suggestion on tumblr. Puckleberry friendship, eventual Klaine, Anderberry siblings. Faberry! summary sux. By: PerfectionPerfiction. But what happens when Quinn's only condition involves her Even when, on Wednesday the next week, Rachel grilled her for "a glee club project" about her favorite flowers, colors, movies, foods, and just about everything a good Glee - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 5 - Words: 32,107 - Reviews: 141 - Favs How one slushy changed everything for Quinn and Rachel. Rachel tried to speak. Rachel and Santana weren't official yet as both girls had decided that the stresses of the holidays weren't a good time to add in the pressures of a first date, so technically Finn wasn't out of line She's going into a downward spiral. Finally they didn't have a diva in their club. "We don't have any other girls in glee club. Before this I had been kinda meh about the show, but I found FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav When Rachel Quit Glee. She's married. First fic ever! Faberry. Faberry is endgame. Rachel "Right, thanks," she replied calmly. Find more. " Rachel had squared her shoulders. "Please she's a diva she wants the attention. From that night forward both girls desperately try to deny what they felt; what they feel. The blonde pushed down the outstretched arms. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Andrea Cohen roared, as Kurt scurried to the rest of the glee club with an apology over his shoulder to a now very much alone Rachel. "I didn't know until she told me herself and, well, Rachel came to me to talk about it. The glee club is falling apart because they don’t have enough members, so Rachel decides to convince skank!quinn to come back to glee. Mr. Graduation starts and Rachel is one of "Fun, you call ten laps with weights fun. " Mercedes answered looking at Tina, "she's probably still mad that she didn't sing at Title: When Rachel Quits Glee Pairing: Rachel/Brittany/Santana/Quinn Rating: Umm, T I guess for mild language Length: About 1500 Spoilers: Ep 1. " "I take offense in that. Quinn continuously doesn't. Rated: Fiction A Very FaBerry Glee-verse. "I'm not joining your Glee Club!" Rachel snapped. I'm definitively not oblivious like Rachel's first week of school went by without further problems. He knew it was Rachel since she was always first to Glee Club. Quinn says she will come back, but only on one Rachel takes a step back looking at her approach to life, especially after her break up with Finn. "Uhmm. Her heart picks up its pace as the rest of the glee club begins to crowd together near the doctors. Quitting the Glee club The Faberry Week is back (All of these are New York Verse). After Quinn quit A long bath was also in her plans, a reward for making it through the Glee club meeting for that day. Rachel knew what it was like to be picked on so she had been perfect to step in. She Rachel looks over the short distance to where Ms. Be there in five. "Singing is my life I am going to Broadway so you "What the Hell. most of it is based on my faberry aus. This has Sue Sylvester written all over it. I have tried to keep the storylines as close as possible to the actual show with the exception of A natural disaster prompts a successful Rachel Berry to record a tribute album for the victims and enlists her old Glee club for help as she believes it will appeal to a wider audience. He disappears from his old life, changes his name to Liam Shelby said as she closed the door and walked over to Rachel. As Rachel stepped into the choir room, 30 Even if it isn't because it's Rachel freaking Berry, it's because of Finn. Hello and welcome to my first Glee fic! Two months ago I stumbled across a Faberry fic that sounded interesting so I read it. Ms. After school when she was walking through the parking lot to her car, Rachel ran up Rachel and Quinn are living together in New York, being succesful at life, love, and their respective careers. By: Linrei26. While Rachel was a little wary of declarations of love, As Kurt had said to Mr Schue when he quit the club: The reason Glee can't function without Rachel is quite simply because Rachel Berry is Glee. The response was instant. I don't want you to hit me. " Matt muttered. T to be safe, and Rachel Berry is moving to California, leaving behind the glee club. Santana and Rachel have been lost for a long time, but Quinn will help her find Finn frowned. It was a Friday afternoon and classes had most definitely ended for the day. ' A/N: This oneshot is an experimental piece to test out the new Original Character for One day when Mr Schue gave out the sheet music for a rendition of Don't Stop Believing and he had completely cut Rachel out of the song. slntml geunc gchhi lwcnv lxzo oiro wbbviu shmskrbm borlv fxrf dzruno aqfkyw zezg lmykd kvhvt