Nj transit monthly pass price. Take NJ TRANSIT to school and save.

Nj transit monthly pass price Monthly passes worth $54 or more can be used on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the specified number of zones. Commuters asked and NJ Transit responded with Flexpass, a new 20 trip ticket that reflects how commuting patterns have changed with workers splitting time between their workplace and home. The easiest way to check is to download the app and go to buy tickets, it’ll ask you Where New Jersey Public Transportation Corporation - The Way To Go. To qualify, a student at a partner college or university must buy a student monthly pass via the NJ TRANSIT mobile app for three consecutive months: Monthly passes for local bus, light rail will not increase July 1. m. I don’t believe that one-way train tickets cross-honor to buses right now. I downloaded the mobile app for Android and I'm not seeing the bus route or stations I will be using listed. Enroll through the Student Portal to set up your Student Pass Account and order your discounted monthly mobile pass online. Full-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT’s Mobile Student program. MCCC Students: Get on Board with a 25 Percent Discount on NJ TRANSIT Mobile Student Monthly Passes. Once verified, Student Pass will appear each month as a ticket option during NJ TRANSIT’s customary monthly pass purchase period, beginning at the 19 th of the preceding month through the 10 th of the travel month. NJ TRANSIT information is conveniently available to you. Share Sort by: Best. Available for sale beginning at 5:00 p. You may also purchase joint SEPTA/NJ TRANSIT tickets from TVMs for travel to/from any SEPTA regional rail station. You’ll need to get a pass for the highest number of zones you’re likely to travel through on a single bus. Does anyone know what the monthly train pass costs from morristown to penn station ? Archived post. You can use it to make unlimited trips on NJ TRANSIT bus routes for an entire calendar month for the number of zones indicated on the pass. If you commute daily, you can save up to 30% over the regular one-way fare by purchasing a monthly NJ TRANSIT bus pass. I haven't bought a monthly pass in a while, but it used to cost me $336. So an April pass is for April. NJ TRANSIT on Twitter (opens in a new window) NJ TRANSIT on YouTube (opens in a new window) NJ TRANSIT on Instagram Degree-seeking full-time AND part-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus or light rail monthly pass using the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App at 25% off the regular monthly pass price. Student Pass Additional Information: NJ Transit Student Pass - Unlimited Monthly Travel. Not sure which route to take? Consult our maps, schedules, or official trip planner. University Partnership - Student Pass MyTix ® Student Pass. Open comment Students must purchase their Student Pass with the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App using their school’s credentials. ‎Using the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App, it’s easier than ever to travel throughout New Jersey to New York and Philadelphia. This advisory has expired. NJ TRANSIT to Waive Fares on All Modes – Effective August 26 through September 2, 2024 This advisory has expired. e. Ticket prices vary by route and distance traveled. Monthly Pass . Monthly passes are for a calendar month. on the 19th of the previous month through the 10th day of the month for which the pass is If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. To sign up and If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. Full-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT's Mobile Student program. New Jersey Public Transportation Corporation - The Way To Go NJ Transit price increase: What to know. · Kingsland, Lyndhurst: $92. Time Options NJ TRANSIT on YouTube (opens in a new window) NJ TRANSIT on Instagram (opens in a new window) NJ TRANSIT on LinkedIn (opens in a new window) SIGN UP FOR UPDATES (opens in a new If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. And, it can be used to redeem the Family SuperSaver fare. Under the plan, full-fare commuter rail and interstate bus fares If you’re a senior citizen who is 62 years of age or older (65 years of age for travel to/from Metro-North stations) or a person with a disability, you’re eligible to apply to NJ TRANSIT’s Reduced Fare Program! As a member of our program, you can save 50 511NY & NJ Rideshare; M&E Midtown Direct Service; Press. The only options I get for bundled tickets are the Weekly Pass and FlexPass. Current PCCC students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT’s Mobile Student program. via nj transit mobile app® If you have a mobile device, you can purchase your tickets or passes securely via MyTix, a feature of the NJ TRANSIT NJ Transit faces a $766. For what it’s worth, monthly train passes always have cross-honoring built in, based on pass price, expand “travel flexibility” on this page to see the chart. Since it looks like a monthly pass between Millburn and Newark Broad Street costs $82, you will have 1 zone of intrastate bus travel (this will be displayed on your rail pass), and your rail pass Purchase round-trip tickets prior to boarding trains, buses or light rail vehicles to speed up your return trip. Can I use my NJ TRANSIT train pass on the light rail? Mobile monthly and weekly train passes offer the same travel flexibility as paper passes. NJ TRANSIT student monthly passes are not avail-able from TVMs. Do I have to go to the bus stops in person and print a bus pass from a kiosk? Thank you for reading and I How to request a credit for unused monthly passes: Send unused monthly passes with a completed Refund Form to: NJ TRANSIT - Bulk Sales, One Penn Plaza East - 5th Floor, Newark, NJ 07105. to view current alerts and advisories across all NJ Transit services. NJ Transit Welcomes Students Back to Campus with Promotional Discount. · Delawanna, Rutherford, Wood-Ridge: $104. Available for sale beginning at 5:00 Using the NJTransit app, it tells me you’d be paying $78 for a monthly pass for April on the 156 bus from edgewater to the ferry port in weehawken. January 10th for returning a January pass) to be eligible for a credit. . Once verified, Student Pass will appear each month as a ticket option during NJ TRANSIT’s scheduled monthly pass purchase period, beginning on the 19 th of the preceding month through the 10 th of the travel month. NJ Transit rail riders frequently faced with downed wires which caused Monthly pass holders who have already purchased an August pass will automatically receive a 25% discount on their The student must register and purchase their Student Pass using their school-provided email on the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App. You can find out ticket prices through the NJ Transit Mobile App or the ticket vending machines in every station. This year, NJ TRANSIT will also welcome back students with a unique promotion for the Fall 2024 semester: Buy 3 Months, Get 1 Month Free. NJT-05-079 June 16, 2005. 60 to $12+ depending on zones crossed Students traveling via NJ TRANSIT’s bus, rail or light rail systems will get a 25-percent discount off of an already discounted monthly pass when purchased on the NJ TRANSIT mobile app. NJT Rail Riders NJ TRANSIT monthly or weekly rail pass riders who wish to travel within NJ on any NJ TRANSIT bus line or on any NJT contract lines may ride at a reduced fare, upon presentation of their rail pass to the bus operator at time of boarding. Full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when you enroll online through NJ TRANSIT's Mobile Student program. NJ TRANSIT Student Discount Students taking two [] I don’t know how it works. Get on Board With A 25% Discount For NJ TRANSIT Mobile Student Monthly Passes. They seemed to have stopped selling their monthly passes (unlimited rides between two stops within 30 days) and replaced it with Flex Pass (20 rides between two stops within 30 days). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The NJ Transit app lets you pick origin/destination and will tell you all the prices for one way, roundtrip, 10 trip discount, monthly, and Flex Pass which might work better for you since it's cheaper than a monthly pass and is good for 20 one-way trips in a 30 day period. New Jersey Public Transportation Corporation - The Way To Go. Monthly Pass ($210) Unlimited trips between two rail stations during a calendar month (Pass valid until noon on the first business day of the following month). Buy and display passes or tickets securely and get transit options on If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. Morris and Essex and Montclair-Boonton Line February 3rd PM Peak adjustments will remain in effect until further notice. If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. Avenues in Motion's Mission Just like an NJ TRANSIT monthly Pass, Student Pass offers the flexibility to use a rail pass on buses and light rail for most trips of equal or lesser value. Once verified, Student Pass will appear each month as a ticket option during NJ TRANSIT’s usual monthly pass purchase period, beginning at the 19 th of the preceding month through the 10 th of the travel month. Get On Board With A 25% Discount For NJ TRANSIT Mobile Student Monthly Passes. Get On Board with A 25% Discount For NJ TRANSIT Mobile Student Monthly Passes. Students traveling via NJ TRANSIT’s bus, rail or light rail systems will get a 25-percent discount off of an already discounted monthly pass when purchased on the NJ TRANSIT mobile app. (Note: The discounted NJ Transit If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. NJCL passes/tickets Download New Jersey Transit’s Mobile App for easy access to service All prices reflect an unlimited monthly pass to New York Penn Station. 275. NJ Transit offers full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate students the option to purchase a bus, rail, or light rail monthly pass at 25 percent off the regular monthly pass price. Enroll through NJ TRANSIT's Quik-Tik program to take advantage of this offer The student must purchase their Student Pass using the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App using their school credentials. There is no easy way to get to Newark Airport from North Bergen by bus or rail. 5555 from 6 a. I need a monthly bus pass for bus #459. Enrolling through your participating college's website is easy! To get started, log onto your school's site and search for “Student Pass” or “NJ TRANSIT” to find the registration web page. Schedules are available in the College Center Student Activities Office, by calling 973. Weekly passes can be used for one-zone rides on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line For partially used discounted 10-Trip Tickets, the applicable one-way fare will be deducted from the purchase price for each ticket used. 6. If you purchased your Monthly or Weekly Pass in the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App, please submit your refund in the app by clicking the My Tickets tab, July Monthly Passes Available for Purchase through July 10, 2024 . Enroll through the NJ Transit website or mobile app to take advantage of this offer. Montclair State University full-time undergraduate, part-time degree seeking students taking at least two courses, and graduate students are eligible to receive a rail, bus, or light rail monthly pass at 25% off of the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT’s Student Pass. until midnight, or to download from the NJ TRANSIT website. New Jersey Public Transportation Corporation - The Way To Go NJ Transit Student Pass. Full-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to receive a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off of the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT’s Mobile Student Program. Please click here. There are several fare options offering students discounts on travel to college classes, parochial or public schools. To help, Gov. A Rail Student Monthly Pass application must be completed by the student and approved by the school for submission to NJ TRANSIT. There's just no option for either a Monthly Pass or Student Monthly pass at all in the app. Save 25% on an NJ TRANSIT monthly rail, bus, or light rail pass for the commute to class. There is a ten day grace period on the pass, but there's no point in using that since you'll need to pay full price for the next pass. Once you determine your itinerary, this guide will help you determine your fare and explain how to pay. This is what’s written on the app: Monthly Pass Just continue using your bus flex pass, and ask the train conductor to cross-honor it (as long as NJ has this going on). About NJ TRANSIT NJ TRANSIT is the nation's largest statewide public transportation system providing more than 925,000 weekday trips on 253 bus routes, Columbia University has partnered with NJ TRANSIT to offer full-time undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to purchase a bus, rail, or light rail monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price. Origin. Destination. NJ Transit Monthly Passes Get On Board With A 25% Discount For NJ TRANSIT Mobile Student Monthly Passes. Both will require transfers, take at least 1+ hour, and cannot use the bus monthly pass. Nj Transit Monthly Pass Price . Applications are available from any NJ TRANSIT rail ticket office. Returns must be postmarked by the 10th of the month of the pass (i. ) The monthly pass will be sent to you directly If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. · Passaic, Garfield, Teterboro: $112. If you have a weekly train pass, you can use it for a one-zone ride on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus. NJ TRANSIT on Twitter (opens in a new window) NJ TRANSIT on YouTube (opens in a new window) NJ TRANSIT on Instagram WorkPass successfully provides access to dependable and affordable transportation for thousands of New Jersey residents each day. Full-Time College Students Can Save 25% on Nj Transit Monthly Passes. If you transfer between buses, and each bus goes through a different number of zones, you need to buy a pass for the higher number of zones (not the total). Full-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when you enroll online through NJ TRANSIT's Mobile Student Ticketing program. (For example, to receive a monthly pass for October, you must sign up by September 10th. A rail FLEXPASS does not provide complimentary bus or light rail trips like a Monthly or Weekly Pass. New Jersey Public Transportation Corporation - The Way To Go Full-time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to purchase a rail, bus, or light rail mobile student monthly pass at 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT's Mobile Student program. 00 PATH fare is deducted with each use of a Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard with dollar value on it. Only back for a few The student must purchase their Student Pass using their school-provided email on the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App. Eligible students must attend an elementary or secondary school, accredited private or parochial school in New Jersey, New York or Pennsylvania. The 814 route (New Brunswick) and the 813 route (Perth Amboy) serve the Edison campus. New comments cannot be posted. The $3. Tickets are available at ticket vending machines and ticket agent locations at major It looks like a bus monthly pass for Zone 2 would cost you about $138. For details on student eligibility, see here. Looking for passes or discounts? Sample monthly pass prices for customers on the Main and Bergen County lines, as well as the Pascack Valley Line, to New York City follow: · Secaucus: $77. Locked post. For station-to-station and one-way fares, visit NJTransit. 25% discount is off of the regular monthly pass price; Students must apply online - NJ Transit Quik - Tik Program; Students must enroll by the 10th of the month to receive a pass for the following month. Not sure which route to take? Monthly Pass Holders: Do you already have an NJ TRANSIT monthly pass? Use it to get to Riverfront Stadium. By purchasing monthly passes and/or tickets from NJ TRANSIT through WorkPass, public and non-profit social service agencies are able to provide access to employment opportunities, job training, medical services, childcare and other Monthly Pass ($210) Unlimited trips between two rail stations during a calendar month (Pass valid until noon on the first business day of the following month). FOX 5 NY's Lissette Nuñez has the details. NJ Transit Student Discount Program | Facility Systems, Photo Identification and Parking Services If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. Rail passes valued at $67 or more, can be used on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or buses A Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard may be purchased with cash, debit/credit card, or transit benefits prepaid card from any PATH or New York City Transit vending machine. Princeton undergraduate and graduate students may purchase a rail, bus, or light rail student monthly pass on mobile for 25% off the regular monthly pass price, when they enroll online through NJ TRANSIT's Mobile Student program. The intrastate pass is valid for rides between local routes within New Jersey only. the 19 th of the preceding month through the 10 th of the travel month. Kean Students: Get on Board with a 25 Percent Discount on NJ Transit Mobile Student Monthly Passes. Please click here to view current alerts and advisories across all NJ Transit services NJIT has partnered with NJ Transit to offer students the opportunity to purchase a bus, rail or light rail monthly pass via the NJ Transit Mobile App at significantly discounted rates. So wait till the top of the month and start buying a pass. New Jersey -bound trains that will now terminate at Newark Penn Station can use their pass or ticket on connecting rail service to Secaucus Junction and Hoboken. The more you NJ Transit offers several main ticket and pass options accommodating both occasional and frequent riders: One-Way Tickets: $1. 10-packs (max two receipts per month) Minimum of 4 round-trips purchased in bulk as a single transaction (max two receipts per month) You can save 25% on your NJ Transit monthly pass (bus, rail, or light-rail) with the NJ Transit Monthly Pass Student Discount. com . Once verified, Student Pass will appear each month as a ticket option during NJ TRANSIT’s customary monthly pass purchase period, beginning at 5 p. a major terminal. NJ Transit’s Trip Planner can help you figure out the number of zones for each leg of your bus ride. NEWARK, NJ - NJ TRANSIT customers will get new flexibility to use rail monthly passes on buses and light rail lines, and benefit from the elimination of feeder fares when a new fare plan goes into effect on July 1, 2005. If I bought the monthly pass today is it only valid the month of September (1st to 30th) or from the day I bought it for 30 days? Should I be getting a Flex Pass instead? I have class 5 days a week. Take NJ TRANSIT to school and save. SECAUCUS JUNCTION - $126 ($10 increase) If you have a monthly train pass valued at $54 or more, you can use it on any NJ TRANSIT light rail line or bus up to the number of zones indicated on the pass. Mobile passes offer the convenience of purchasing and displaying your student monthly pass on your Get On Board With a 25% Discount For the NJ TRANSIT Mobile Student Monthly Pass. Fuel Price Per Gallon $ Use AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report (2/24/2025) Parking Costs Per Day $ Toll Costs Per Day $ Use Tollsmart. July Monthly Passes Available – Effective June 19, 2024. Train and bus ticket fares for NJ Transit are going up 15%. NJ TRANSIT provides bus transportation to the Edison campus. · Clifton, Ticket prices vary by route and distance traveled. 8 million budget shortfall starting in July 2025, even considering the fare hikes. Buy 3 Months, Get 1 Month Free (February, March and April 2025) Benefits - I've bought about 6 monthly passes already with the app. Bus Monthly Pass: Save up to 30 percent off your daily commute by purchasing a NJ TRANSIT bus pass. The MyTix account and student discount enrollment seems to be working fine. There is no zone map, according to the NJ transit personnel I've talked with. On the 1st of the month your student pass will display in the app. NJCU Discounted NJ Transit passes. Phil Murphy has proposed a budget that includes a so-called corporate transit tax — aimed at the Buy NJTransit Web Tickets Fast and Easy | WebTicketing | NJ TRANSIT | New Jersey Transit Corporation | New Jersey | Tickets To qualify, you must buy a student monthly pass via the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App® for three consecutive months: September, October and November of 2021. ewz tzi cnm vvx ihs kjggywyp ckramc budor emp bihejt wbrhwp xqli bnjfe nnwzz zpwxw