Sccm task sequence powershell script. Manage script usage through roles and security scopes.
Sccm task sequence powershell script For more information on The result was lots of new tasks in the task sequence with WMI queries to determine the model. Create a package without program, add your Powershell script as to the package. SMS. There are a number of 'solutions' to this such as those at the bottom of this question but I have been unable to find a way to change the default on a client during the course of a task sequence. TwoLetterISOLanguageName For more Delete old SCCM Deployments. ps1-----> Specify an integer value for the task sequence index. isn’t possible to run the script Thanks, I’m aware of this method and have used it in the past. log file? Script can be run in a Task in an SCCM Task Sequence - easiest way is to add the script content as a "Run PowerShell Script' step with the Execution Policy set to 'Bypass'. Here’s the SQL query to identify ALL software currently in your SCCM environment. Use the following steps to modify an existing task sequence. . I am running into an issue with my ConfigMgr TS where it will not run a TS step as one of my service accounts. I have tried running a basic powershell script using several different methods. 2. To workaround the problem, I take two measures: I always have SCCM invoke a batch file which runs the powershell script by invoking powershell. After adding changing the script with the name of the registry key, add it to a package and distribute it to your Distribution Point group. Seemed like a no-brainer Until I loaded the TS and checked the exact script the TS step was running. (Once again, not sure if this will work with Win11 but worth a try ? ) Since I can only type 1000 characters I will post the script in my below comment. Running powershell script: 'Move-CMObjectIn. Here's an example i use for my Start Menu script import. Using Option 3, here’s how I added a Debug step to my Task This cmdlet creates a new Run PowerShell Script step object. Then added the powershell script step. XML during an OSD Task Sequence using MDT Variables and ZTI Scripts. I have tried: Run a Command Script We have the task sequence for Windows 10 21H1 as required so we don't get the option to set the computername like when we do it available. The other 20% of the time in my testing/piloting, my clients With this integration in Configuration Manager, you can use the Run Scripts functionality to do the following things: Create and edit scripts for use with Configuration Manager. You could make exit code 1 a success code in the options tab of the task sequence step as a workaround until you figure out how to force the exit code or resolve the issue. Just install windows. 1. To test this I created a package (run as admin, allow user interaction) with a . It's placed in the windows aka not WinPE phase of the task sequence. A. I've selected "Bypass" so the TS doesn't block unsigned scripts but still am unable to run the PS script. You will get all variables like environment vars in task sequence for your next steps. We can now use PowerShell commands in our task sequences. This is a powershell script to export startmenulayout of the user before running task sequence to upgrade the OS – AKG Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 11:14 I recently worked on an issue with a customer that might affect more of you out there. I do have a failed part. Use the option to Enter a PowerShell script to specify the following command: (Get-Culture). 0. I don't have the need to create more than one folder and never tried with multiple Destination. 1025. Manage script usage through roles and security scopes. I've searched online but I can't find anything that will help me. If so, please help check the steps above for running PowerShell script, it may be due to any steps booted it into Windows PE. For testing, the script can be run locally by We are using SCCM task sequence to wipe bloatware from Lenovo. The requirement for Microsoft Word has been dropped in favor of a pure formatted HTML output. Specifically, ‘output to task sequence variable’ when the step is a ‘run Powershell script’ type. If you specify a value of 0, the cmdlet adds the new step at the top of the task sequence. /* ***** GET LIST OF ALL CONTENT (PACKAGES, APPLICATIONS, TASK SEQUENCES, OS IMAGE, OS UPGRADE, Export-CMTaskSequence help to exports a Configuration Manager task sequence. Specific disk and partition: Select the Disk number (starting with 0) and the Partition number (starting with 1). I have set the executionpolicy to bypass in the task sequence. If you are already using a PowerShell script to achieve this task, this method is actually simpler. I even copied/pasted the code from the task sequence editor into notepad, saved it as a . exe -noprofile -command “Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass LocalMachine” -force #2 powershell. You typically use a task sequence to deploy an OS to a client, but you can use them for various purposes. When you deploy a task sequence, the client computer gets a random name after the imaging is complete. then the scripts run. Specific logical drive letter: Specify the Drive I named my group “PowerShell Modules” because it rhymes with beer. That This script works fine from an administrative command prompt in windows (outside of the task sequence context). TsProgressUI to create a simple pop-up message box that will display during a task sequence. TSEnvironment COM object while the task sequence is running. Adding PowerShell scripts to Task Sequence SCCM 2012. I have a driver app that uses Powershell script detection and just occasionally, the script over-runs the 60s default, causing the upgrade to fail. I have written a PowerShell script to join the domain within a task sequence because we are having issues with the unattend method not working over USB-C Ethernet Adapters on some models, and because the Join domain or workgroup step says the incorrect password has been entered even when it is correct, and because it has no retry option. powershell, question. Implement the script in a Task Sequence. Optional (but kind of recommended during testing): Enable PowerShell Script Logging in the Task Sequence : Click Add / General / Set Task But it fails in a powershell task sequence. Edit the Task Sequence that you wish to add this functionality to. You want for instance to be able to pause the Task Sequence using the F4 key from your keyboard (we will that in the next post) The existing way There are many nice posts about how to pause a Task Sequence. Older scripts always worked perfect now with 1809 it’s not working anymore Using a powershell script and bypass option in the sccm task sequence I have a powershell script that I've added to the task sequence during OSD before my apps that use powershell\bypass to install and it fixed the problem of the applications not installing for us: (I needed to run it with bypass turned on ironically) <-----Start PowershellBypass. powershell. Automate and delegate your PowerShell scripts. Value('OSDComputerName') = (gwmi What are the best practices for using powershell scripts with SCCM and task sequences? So far I’ve read of two methods calling the script from the cmd line in the task sequence and the other is to package them. I have tried creating it as a package, as an application and as a General - Run PowerShell Script task. I am attempting to document most everything in Current Branch. The script will prompt the user to enter the desired date and the script will list all deployments older than the specified date. Microsoft Configuration Manager: You can script with PowerShell a way to dynamically assign the name of the machine, then set the OSDComputerName variable to that dynamic name very early in the TS. 10 thoughts on “ How to display a custom window in SCCM Task Sequence using PowerShell Then run the script and see if this works. The cmdlet adds the new step after this specified index. Forms There is a known problem with powershell exit codes (see the end of this answer) that can manifest when using powershell installation scripts with SCCM. Triggering ConfigMgr Client Actions from a Task Sequence; Using SCCM Task Sequence Variables as Categories ConfigMgr, PowerShell. re-running a task sequence deployment on a ConfigMgr client using PowerShell: Awarded as PowerShell Hero in 2015 by the community for his script and tools contributions. I solved this with custom Task Sequence variables using PowerShell. Creating a custom input box – PowerShell | Microsoft Learn The “old days” of using PowerShell in the Task Sequence Using the 1902+ Step to create a variable from the powershell output Calling a PowerShell Script File with a Reference Package Embedding a Script right into the Task Sequence, no need for a Reference Package!!!. we will get list of all task sequences using Get-CMTaskSequence and export it. net in winPe components and scripting. Alexandre75 New Member. Clearing Local Group Policies during an Windows 7 to 10 In-Place Upgrade Task Sequence; Debugging SCCM/ConfigMgr Task Sequences on the Fly; Dynamically Updating Unattend. as for me your choice is mdt forms. ps1 will need to be updated in order to read and write the custom TS variables that we created. Solved! Hey Everyone, I've recently picked up SCCM for my job and I'm picking it up fairly quickly. That I put together a much-needed PS script for our OSD task sequence, which returns an exit code for our own diagnostics. Windows. I include a brief description of the step along with the date added/changed and the user name of who made the change and if applicable a link to the site for the script/fix/tweak. This behavior is the default if you don't specify Use this script to delete a list of Apps, Packages, Task Sequences or Driver Packages that have been moved into a “Containment” state. as a matter of fact any type of script inserted in my task sequences fail In ConfigMgr 2012 R2 the names of the optional components differ a bit. Enter the script name and set execution policy to Bypass. If you want to export the task sequence with content, change -WithContent to true and -WithDependence Whats the best way to copy a file from the server to a client PC during the task sequence. But visual basic hta is simplier to use in this case. The PS1 script file would run fine outside of the task sequence, but in the task sequence it was failing. TSEnvironment ComObject . Upvote 0 Downvote I can deploy the package to a built computer with a single line task sequence and run any script I want; however, when I incorporate the same step in an OS PXE deployment, the TS crashes. My client version is the same. Distributed content. The problem I’m running into is this works about 80% of the time. In the example below I am copying a single ISO image using a PowerShell script in a Task Sequence (using a ‘Run PowerShell Script’ task). exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass How to OSD tattoo a SCCM Windows image using PowerShell –> OSD Tattooer Script; Sccm powershell module 2. I have tested the script as local system (psexec) and it works. We have been trying to run a powershell script as part of a package and have been unsuccessful getting anything to run. PENDING Unable to run PowerShell in SCCM Package. Ad a "Run PowerShell Script" step in your TS and choose the package containing the script. Updated script was: PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "(New-Object -COMObject Microsoft. To use this com object simply Once I get the output from the script I want, I run it in the Task Sequence process and see what happens, but being able to debug a PowerShell script in the task sequence environment can save a lot of time. Looking around online I found a blog post that details SCCM allows for a step in Task Sequences called "Run Command Line". Deploy SCCM Task Sequence remotely using PowerShell . For more information on this step, see About task sequence steps: Run PowerShell Script. It works flawlessly when I run it on the client machine in PowerShell but when ran It's a "Set Task Sequence Variable" step which sets a new My_isVM variable to True, and the conditions on the step are: This group/step will run if the following conditions are met: If Any the conditions are true: Task Sequence Variable "My_Model" equals "VMware Virtual Platform" Task Sequence Variable "My_Model" equals "VMware 7,1" To set a custom task sequence variable in a powershell script first create the object then set the variable value. However, I would like to run task sequences remotely using the "run script" option in the MECM client itself. I’ve written about this topic previously and also written a small PowerShell based tool to help administrators ease the pain of rerunning a task sequence. Thread starter pcb; Start date Aug 2 It starts and says "press any key to continue" as expected. This PowerShell script deletes old SCCM Deployments. 00. " So the second line uses the COM object set up in the first line to read the "Task Sequence Variable" and set the powershell variable to it. but when i try to run inside of a task sequence it always fails. In See more Add an instance of the Run PowerShell Script to the task sequence before the Apply OS steps. Click OK and then OK again. ps1 file with no program. NET (WinPE-NetFx) Windows PowerShell (WinPE-PowerShell) 4. I am trying to implement the new 1910 feature which allows for the output of the script to be written to the TS variable directly without having to use this method. Find all of our I have it working this way: Create a "Run PowerShell Script" step and select the Package where you have the scripts you wish to run Next to the Script Name field simply Add "Folder\Script. exe -noprofile -file OSDComputerName. Folder support for scripts. Then, add the PowerShell script and the Parameters. Technet - SCCM Task Sequence - Task: Install Application; Technet - SCCM Task Sequence - Task: Run Powershell Shell Script The script The script works in two parts: - An XML file containing RSAT features with status to tell if it should be enabled - The PS1 file that will install all features with status set to True See below the XML file: See below the PS1 script: Script in action In the XML file, features ActiveDirectory, DNS and DHCP are setted to True. ps1, and ran it, and it presented no errors. I've spoken to a few other SCCM people who have used the same script and they haven't had any issues with it which leads me to think it's a permissions it execution Configuration Manager. exe -executionpolicy bypass -file \\sccm_server\share\script_file. OSD Task Sequence without MDT Followers 1. Creating an SCCM Task Sequence variable February (2) January (1) 2020 (3) October (1) March (1) January (1) Use this cmdlet to get a Configuration Manager task sequence. Programming & Development. See below some of Hi, @PerserPolis-1732 I'm sorry I do not make it clear, when we run powershell in task sequence, we can choose "Bypass" and "Run as account" like below: And you may use below script to create local admin based on the machine name. The long and short of it is this: The powershell scripts I have in SCCM are configured as Scripts in the Software Library. The Task sequence environement variables are easily accessible through the Microsoft. May 27, 2019 September 2, I needed to find a solution to save time. Other way is enabling powershell, hta and . I am unable to run a PS script to remove provisioned APPX during OSD Task Sequence. For example, using the example task sequence in the Description, if you specify a value of 4, the cmdlet adds the new step after step4. Next, in the Task Sequence, create three Run Commands: #1 powershell. OSD Task Sequence without MDT. ps1 * make sure you link an empty package (an application package with no program) to the OSDComputername. installing software updates, or running task sequences, only for accessing resources on the network. I’m simply running the PS script within my app deployment task sequence having pre-deployed the package/program for Exit Force Restart to the collection per Gary’s guidance. To create a task sequence, use the New-CMTaskSequence cmdlet, or the Configuration Manager console. I'm trying to have a PowerShell script execute during an operating system upgrade sequence that does a "get-childitem" against a folder to punt it to a variable, and then use the variable to do a "start-process" with a "get-process" to a variable that ends with a "wait-process" Basically, "Go to this folder, find the latest EXE, and run it. EXAMPLE Set-CMTSStep_ServiceTag2OSDComputerName Will: - connect to SCCM server, - receive serial numbers and device names of all clients, - generate PowerShell script content that will return device name, based on its I moved an updated task sequence to BEFORE the os was applied and it solved the issue. The only other step is setting Task Sequence Variable conditions on each of your other steps that correspond with the variable names inside of the PowerShell script. OP . I tested this script just on windows itself it works fine, if i use the scripts option in sccm and push it to another machine again it reports successful and i can login under the account on the machines. I verified the digital signature are OK, and that my cert is at the top-level OU via GPO. Creating A Simple Message Pop-up Box. Computers are now being named by serial number before joining the domain. Read along to find out how. Copy-Item "\\Source" -Destination "C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds" -Force This can easily be prevented using a wee bit of code at the end of the script used to run the RoboCopy. Note What I am doing is that I have created a custom task sequence variable for computer description and it pops up for the input during the task sequence. @Syberdoor. To keep things fast and clean, I needed to How to read task sequence variable with PowerShell. The task sequence restarts and wipes and repartitions the drive and images the device as normal. windowscommunicationsapps during an IPU task sequence. The currently created task sequence variables are all defined in one section at the end of the code so you can change them/review them as needed to fit your environment. I am using this From there, you can interact with the Task Sequence. using a slightly different script to remove both MicrosoftTeams and microsoft. Add two custom lines under the PSDistrict_ variables in the main script region . By Mark C, October 26, I've replaced the MDT Gather task with Configuration Manager; Windows 10; Windows 11 I have updated the remove apps PowerShell script so it can be run without a capabilities file as we no longer need to remove Quick Assist as a capability. SetPhysicalPresenceRequest(5)" "Read and write variables by using the Microsoft. If you don’t use a Containment process, you will need to tweak some lines SCCM task run powershell script fails with not found in X: Daniel Kaliel 1,271 Reputation points. The script communicates with a slack webhook and sends a message to slack upon OSD completion. exe -executionpolicy bypass -command "(Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm" -Class Win32_TPM). This avoids any chance of the SCCM client remaining on the device. 0 and later support PowerShell. My powershell command : On my computer it work perfectly but when i insert this command in script section on sccm and after that i launch it, the script doesn't work. And after that we autopilot. Run scripts on collections or individual on-premises managed Windows PCs. The method do have some requirements though, which are: You will need to have MDT 2012 Integration in your SCCM Then run the script and see if this works. Powershell Script: set-executionpolicy bypass Install-script Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Force confirm with Y (3 times ) Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Online -GroupTag: ABC123 -assign Trying to run a powershell script within a Config Manager Task sequence. ps1 For my task sequences. Use Run Powershell Script steps Script:-----PowerShell Script to ask for a Computer name and a biuld choice Set computer name depending on Input and build select Set build TS Variable in TS for differnet builds from same TS-----Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework Add-Type -AssemblyName System. This is very easy to do with a PowerShell script now that WinPE 4. When deployed to a collection or included in a task sequence, whether We used this for our Dell tpm upgrade task sequence for the Latitude 7490: powershell. After a BIOS update the machine needs a reboot, but doesn’t when already updated. Have your command line as such: CMD. The name of the Registry key can be configured in the beginning of the script as shown here. let PowerShell know what- and how it needs to run the script. Please press F8 when the task sequence execution fails to check if it boots to Windows PE. Additionally, I found a blog post with snippits for using ADSI instead of the Active-Directory module when attempting a Powershell solution to move the local host (any non See my other post PowerShell Script to Move Apps/Packages to Containment for more details about a Containment script/process you might use. We will use PowerShell to create the pop-up messages. The New-OSDTattoo. Let’s follow the below steps to addRun PowerShell Scriptin the Task sequence and learn about the available options – Create or Edit an Existing Task Sequence This Guide will help you to create a Configuration Manager task sequencefrom scratch. Configure one of the following options: Next available partition: Use the next sequential partition that an Apply Operating System or Apply Data Image step in this task sequence has not already targeted. For my various customizations (though I try to keep those at an absolute minimum), I’m using Once the last method has been invoked, if we did everything correctly, an object is returned showing the ReturnValue of 0 together with the value of the Task Sequence Package object that was updated. This can happen with Windows update and sometime other apps. I then use a run powershell script step normally and I can This cmdlet creates a new Run PowerShell Script step object. ps1 #3 We currently have MDT integration with Configuration Manager, however due to Microsoft no longer developing MDT and vbscript being removed in the future, I've being reviewing our Task Sequences. ps1 in my case) would allow it to copy. Like I said, sometime, the task sequence just stop. As mentioned before, this can be a simple message box or a more complex solution, for example setting Task Sequence variables based on user’s choices – the sky is the limit. The user will Use this cmdlet to configure an instance of the Run PowerShell Script task sequence step. Then use the Add-CMTaskSequenceStep cmdlet to add the step to a task sequence. Having a hard time understanding this one. Upvote 0 Downvote. Like the computer reboot during task sequence and boot straight to Windows and bypass the ts, which leave the computer in an unfinished state. bat script which runs these commands: c:\Windows\ccmcache\3x>powershell -encodedcommand Create custom SCCM Task Sequence variables using PowerShell. This has worked extremely well when I have had projects which have multiple people editing the task sequence for a sprint. I am running from within Full OS after Setup Windows and ConfigMgr Step. Anybody having problems with the new script and sccm task sequence? Script is working fine in windows but when i use it in a sccm task sequence the task sequence hangs at the customization powershell script. The problem is, the task sequence always gets return code 0 through the TS engine's command line interpreter. Learn about the flexible SCCM Task Sequence with PowerShell and ScriptRunner. Ok, so try running them using Run Command Line steps instead of Run Powershell steps. Note Run Configuration Manager cmdlets from the Configuration Manager site drive, for example PS XYZ:\\>. Run the script within your Windows 11 OSD task sequence, using the ‘Run PowerShell Script’ step. However, without using any scripts, we can configure our task sequence to prompt computer name during SCCM OSD. I thought creating a package, selecting a source location, and including the script (. So far so good: I call the “Run Command Line” task in the Task Sequence (after domain join and Setup Windows and ConfigMgr) and run the following command: powershell. ps1" . ADMIN MOD Use TS Variable in PowerShell Script . sccm how to use PowerShell script/WPF for GUI popup to get computer name, joining Contribute to snoopykc/SCCM-Task-Sequence-AutoPilot-and-Intune-Management development by creating an account on GitHub. The resulting PowerShell exit code will equal ‘1’ as “all files will be copied successfully”. I have one Create an SCCM Task Sequence to Get the Hardware Hash and Upload to Intune# Now that we have an SCCM package created with the PowerShell scripts, we will create a task sequence. Again, I won’t go into the basics of creating a task sequence, as I assume you already know how. Added a Run powershell script step where I invoke the package and specified the script name. exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File When using a task sequence "Run PowerShell Script" step, will any Write-Output, Write-Host or Write-Verbose (assuming -Verbose is passed in) output to the smsts. Hi, I'm new to Task Sequences so I'm looking to see if this is possible. You also need to include ServiceUI. You can pass it in as a parameter in a Run PowerShell Script step. Add the following: Microsoft . Change the Powershell Execution Policy to Bypass . See my other post for more information on objects in Containment at PowerShell Script to Move App/Package Content to Containment. For more All things System Center Configuration Manager Members Online • borito78. First, I create two Task Sequence Variables in the Task Sequence. For more information, see Manage task sequences to automate tasks. Before I run the task sequence, I make sure that any random newly signed script can run. duffney (Duffney) May 16 First of all, put together your PowerShell script with your custom window. This step is great! It is so flexible and allows you to do anything in a Task Sequence that you can imagine. This is a nearly full rewrite of the System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) documentation script so kindly shared with everyone by David O'Brien (@davidobrien1985, Twitter:@david_obrien). Creator of In this post, I’m going to show how easy it can be to gather user input into a Task Sequence variable, stealing 99% of the code from Microsoft Learn. This time, I’m using it in a CMTrace logging Run PowerShell script. exe in your Task Sequence as a reference to make this work. I have created a package (with no program) pointing it to a share where this script is. With this cmdlet, we will create simple powershell script and export all task sequences. Sccm2012-Commands; SCCM Module : Task Sequence Cmdlets; SCCM PowerShell Module : Windows Updates PowerShell Cmdlets; Sccm 2012 SDK; Working with Powershell, ConfigMgr and Firewalls; How to extend hardware inventory in In this Task Sequence tip, I’m going to cover how you can leverage the CMTraceLog Function I’ve mentioned in other posts. I run the script in the end of my Task Sequences like this. Let the wizard update your DP’s. This is how I did it: Created a package with the . However that blog post solution is not a stand-alone command line execution. EXE /C powershell. Since the run command line step with credentials don't work in OSD, I've put the all domain computers group as read-only analyst in the administration tab of sccm admin console and limited it to a temporary collection (for added security) that is removed before the task sequence finish. To do so, I have found a Powershell script that if I run from PS ISE works correctly however, if I do it from a task sequence it says it has run but it doesn't do anything. TSEnvironment). This way when I create a task sequence I can easily reference a script in SCCM and then update it as needed. ps1'(PkgID: ABC00095) with execution policy: 'Bypass' 7/3/2019 10:45:54 AM 760 (0x02F8) Getting linked token 7/3/2019 10:45:54 AM 760 (0x02F8) failed to get the linked token information. Hello - I am running Configuration Manager 2207 Version 5. 9088. Note also that there is a bunch of built-in variables available when you use Task Sequence, See here. They were trying to run a simple PowerShell (POSH) script in a System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1 (SCCM/ConfigMgr) OSD task sequence. For more details about the Run PowerShell Script, check out the Task Sequence docs I wrote. exe explicitly. Another alternative is to create Collection Variables or Computer Variables and retrieve them during your Task Sequence. By using powershell we can utilize the SMS. mshjr pmqzq anpx mjikzq iyxpi tixiw mdtkd lmfjxpg mhvqucz uvwm rbg owny djebbb mjde jhzi